Thursday, May 21, 2009

Social Loop

I know I am usually quite a party animal but after my absence for a year and now that I am back, I have been much more introverted than usual. Pretty odd but some have gotten used to it yet some let it threw them for a loop. You see, I just need to go back into my shell for a while and think some things through. Things are changing. There are a few changes in my life that I need to adjust to. All I need is just some 'alone' time. But HEY, this social queen bee is making a comeback! Now, two's company and three's a party! I'm feeling the urge to connect with other people, and get back in the loop with friends! The more people there are, the merrier I will be! I want to feel a part of the world around me, I wanna rub elbows with people from all walks of life, I wanna put myself in the middle of the crowd and start making friends. Tell your friends, everyone around you......

I am back.


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