Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This is how we do it

Baby, let's build a home together. I'm at

Despite all claims, I am not like that in real life for whatever that I've done as illustrated as below. This is just purely an act out of love, an exchange for a friendship. Yes, I bend backward for friends. No, I was kidding. I am cheap because I am Asian (yea, typical stereotyping innit? but they'd like to believe it anyways).

Ways to save a dime or two at IKEA restaurant:
  • Buy 20 meatballs (Value for money, repeat after me, value for money) and share it with a partner-in-crime. You see, 10 meatballs valued at 7.95 but 20 meatballs cost a dollar more. So you do the math.
  • Cup over glass, both cost $1.75 anyways, but the difference is that - cup: you are given the alternative/unlimited choices of any beverage (water to soft drinks to coffee), glass: you are limited to only water and soft drinks (note: ONLY).
  • This is not on their beverage menu but kudos to the most 'innovative' frugal guru of all, get ready for - jeng, jeng, jeng........HOT CHOCOLATE. Now, we could save that $2.50 for takeaway and enjoy the liberty of unlimited refills, couldn't we?

  • Grab your cup, rinse it using the spring water dispenser, get the chocolate powder (which is meant for your coffee) and pour it into your cup LAVISHly. Then, add in the forth milk and there you have yourself a cup of hot chocolate, exactly the same as the one your local cafe served you.
  • And finally, always remember the first rule of cheapo-ism: value for money. Not even a single purchase should be passed up from this golden rule. Even the ice-cream is not spared. Refill it as many times as possible! Ignore the angry stares and the long line waiting behind.

  • Quoted by my ultimate best partner-in-crime: "You wanna get free stuff, you gotta have a thick face" Be shameless, so to speak. True words spoken with flair. Those weak-hearted like me should never engage in such activities because you will only get yourself nothing but trouble. I shall just leave those jobs to pros because I am happy to pay extra, for the least I got what I want. It's just gonna cost me a little more.

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